LƯU Ý : Vui lòng đọc kỹ CHÍNH SÁCH BẢO HÀNH trước khi mua tài khoản trên hệ thống
Tài nguyên trên website chỉ phục vụ mục đích QUẢNG CÁO. Khách hàng có hành vi sử dụng vi phạm pháp luật Việt Nam chúng tôi không chịu bất cứ trách nhiệm nào !
Xử lý lỗi nạp tiền và bảo hành : 0936849093 ( My)
⏱ Thời gian hỗ trợ và bảo hành: 8h00-24h00
Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details
Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details
✅ Warranty for Fanpage Ad Restrictions within 72 Hours ✅ Support for Fanpage Name Change (Contact Admin) ✅ No Warranty for Page Unpublishing or Disabling During Use
✅ Warranty for Fanpage Ad Restrictions within 72 Hours ✅ Support for Fanpage Name Change (Contact Admin) ✅ No Warranty for Page Unpublishing or Disabling During Use
✅ Warranty for Fanpage Ad Restrictions within 72 Hours ✅ Support for Fanpage Name Change (Contact Admin) ✅ No Warranty for Page Unpublishing or Disabling During Use
✅ Fanpage in a dead BM: Cannot remove BM – Warranty covers disappearance within 30 days ✅ Warranty for fanpage: Advertising restrictions may apply for the first 72 hours. ✅ Can be reshared to another profile
✅ Warranty for BM with No Restrictions Upon Invitation Acceptance ✅ No Support for Name Changes, but Most Fanpages Can Still Be Renamed Normally ✅ Fanpage Name in English
✅ Warranty for BM with No Restrictions Upon Invitation Acceptance ✅ No Support for Name Changes, but Most Fanpages Can Still Be Renamed Normally ✅ Fanpage Name in English
Contact admin for rename fanpage - Liên hệ admin để đổi tên fanpage Please request administrator exit page after received - Hãy yêu cầu admin out page sau khi nhận
Contact admin for rename fanpage - Liên hệ admin để đổi tên fanpage Please request administrator exit page after received - Hãy yêu cầu admin out page sau khi nhận
Contact admin for rename fanpage - Liên hệ admin để đổi tên fanpage Please request administrator exit page after received - Hãy yêu cầu admin out page sau khi nhận
Contact admin for rename fanpage Please request administrator exit page after received
✅ The fanpage can rename (Contact admin) ✅ Fanpage can easily remove the previous admin
☑️ Can rename (contact admin) ☑️ Can leave admin (contact admin)
Format: UID|password|cookie|email|emailpw|rcv email Account no have 2FA, should use cookie for easy login Download ID Card on: secretboxx.online This is facebook passed identify verification but hidden tick
Warranty Login First time UID|Pass|cookies|email|passemail|MailKP Download ID Card on: secretboxx.online
Format: UID | password | cookie | email | email password | recovery email..... Only warranty about PRIMARY LOCATION
Friend 1000-5000 No2fa - Information changed 30 days ++ Warranty 12h after sell
Format: UID | password | cookie | email | email password | recovery email Friend: 20+
Format: UID | password | cookie | email | email password | recovery email
Only warranty about PRIMARY LOCATION UID|Pass|cookies|email|passemail|recovermail Friend > 500
UID| Pass| email| pass email| Recover mail | cookies | name|DOB Add Mail > 30 days Warranty Login first time
Format: UID | Password | Cookies | email | email password | recovery email Friend: More than 1000
Warranty dating feature in 48h Friend: 50+ No warranty change name - no warranty good profile
Warranty Dating feature in 48h Friend 50+ No warranty change name - no warranty good profile
Format: USER|PASS|MAIL|PASS MAIL|COOKIE Warranty Login No warranty locked email
Use time: 7 days Device: 5
Use time: 30 days Device: 5
Use time: 30 days Device: 5 Key + Username - Password
- Use on 5 devices at the same time, Including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux and router. - Orders are processed within 24 hours maximum. - Product NOT supported in China
Format: gmail | password | recovery mail Choose confirm recovery email for no need code
- IP: USA - CPU: 1 Core - Ram: 2 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 20GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly
- IP: USA - CPU: 2 Core - Ram: 4 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 40GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB<br> Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly
- IP: USA - CPU: 4 Core - Ram: 8 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 60GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly
- IP: USA - CPU: 8 Core - Ram: 16 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 100GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly
No warranty hold - checked live automatic Format: UID |password | cookie....
Định Dạng UID|PASS|COOKIE... System automatic checked live/die - no warranty checkpoint after bought
Bảo hành hạn chế quảng cáo 3 ngày - 3 day warranty for limited advertising
Format: UID | password | cookie | email | email password | recovery email
Format: UID | password | cookie | email....
Name: Can rename (need send order to admin)
1 pcs = 1000 like increased, if want 10.000 like buy 10 pcs Completion time: 24 - 48h Warranty time: 14 days Speed (standard conditions): 5000- 10000 per days
1 pcs = 1000 follow increased, if want 10.000 follow buy 10 pcs Completion time: 24 - 48h Warranty time: 14 days Speed (standard conditions): 5000 - 10000 per days